

  • 12
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 河北省 石家庄 赵县 范庄镇 赵县范庄镇大夫庄乡人民大街
  • 姓名: 段建卫
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:水果 生鲜水果 水蜜桃
  • 发布日期:2014-10-15
  • 阅读量:145
  • 价格:50.00 元/箱 起
  • 产品规格:60#
  • 产品数量:500.00 箱
  • 包装说明:箱装
  • 发货地址:河北石家庄赵县范庄镇  
  • 关键词:鸭梨,,,水晶梨


    欢迎您来到我们的公司网站,我们公司主要以批发水果为主,我们公司位于河北省石家庄市赵县范庄镇,我们这里是主产区,以雪花梨**,遍布全国各地,我们拥有几百万亩的雪花梨种植基地,拥有可以一年四季供应的雪花梨恒温冷藏保鲜库,已达上百栋之多,我们这儿不但有雪梨 鸭梨 皇冠梨等等,品种特别多,较具有特色的是雪花梨,雪花梨的口感特别好,吃起来,味道特别好,并且常吃雪花梨还可以起到去火止咳等功效。
    Welcome you to our company's web site, our company mainly wholesale fruit, our company is located in shijiazhuang city, hebei province zhao country Fan Zhuang town DaFuZhuangXiang people's village, we are producing here, is famous for snow pear, all over the country, we have millions of acres of snow pear planting base, can have all the year round supply of constant temperature cold storage of fresh snow pear, has amounted to more than hundreds of building, we are here not only has a crown pear pear pear and so on, varieties of much more special, the most distinctive is snow pear, snow pear taste very good, to eat, taste very good, still can rise to spent cough and often eat snow pear etc.
    We this special unique geographical location, traffic is particularly convenient, is in the north of our G1811 Yellowstone highway and 307 national road, in the south of the us is 308 federal highways, the G20 qingdao-yinchuan highway, is on the west side of our G4 Beijing high-speed, Hong Kong and Macao in the east of our G45 big wide high-speed, our position in them particularly convenient transportation.
    Quality and yield of pear, our company also special care, especially for the quality of pear, because of the reason of natural disasters over the past two years, and yield of the pear fruit surface effects, particularly large in 2012 because of the weather, crown pear and pear fruit surface is affected by the serious, crown pear and pear can not sell a good price, in the spring of 2013 a sudden cold snow covers our entire pear area, and accompanied by a temporary hail, just in time to catch the key to pollinate flowering, which in turn to snow pear production has caused considerable impact, is we this two thirds of annual production output last year, so says this year's pear price is high, is understandable.
    Interested customers can have a look at this video of our company:

    欢迎来到赵县绿河梨果购销处网站, 具体地址是河北省石家庄赵县赵县范庄镇大夫庄乡人民大街,联系人是段建卫。 主要经营主要经营,雪梨,鸭梨,*梨,水晶梨,罐头梨,果汁梨,金蝉,知了猴,知了龟,花粉。 单位注册资金未知。 我司大量供应雪梨,鸭梨,皇冠梨,金蝉,鸭梨,金蝉等,欢迎订购,我们会给予您合理的价格及优质服务!